Writers Wanted at Espressions

Tuesday, October 3, 2023
5:30 pm7:00 pm
The Leadership Center at Espressions, 1117 M St., Aurora, NE 68818

If you love words and want to have a cup of coffee with others in our community who also love to write - join us at Espressions! This is a time for writers of any kind to come and sit together and work on their current work in progress or start a new project. Critique and Beta Reading groups can be formed as we get to know each other.

FURTHERMORE, during the month of October, we will be having a Horror Short Story competition!

The rules for the competition are as follows:

Your submission must be between 1,500 and 5,000 words. All ages and skill levels are welcome to enter. The theme of the story must be horror or scary (“scary” is open for interpretation!) The deadline for submissions to be entered is October 25th, 2023. You can submit your entry by emailing espressions@tlcaurora.org or by dropping off a hard copy! Please include your contact information (name, phone number, and address) with your submission. One submission is allowed per person!

The winner will be announced on Halloween - October 31st, 2023. The winning story will be selected by Espressions staff, and it will be published on all of our platforms for the community to enjoy! The winner will also receive a gift card to Espressions: Coffee & Community.
May the spookiest story win!