This summer, we again, had the opportunity to partner with the Edgerton Explorit Center to facilitate a few of their summer camps! Our Intern, Hannah Burnside, headed this endevor up.
This summer, we hosted three camps:
- Crafting Camp
- Alive Outside
- Ooey Gooey Cooking Camp
For Crafting Camp, Hannah designed a Pinterest fanatic's paradise! They painted. They glittered and stickered. They went on a nature walk to make a botanical creation. They had so much fun. Everyday, with her 17 campers, was an adventure and a crafting delight.
Alive Outside, Hannah's campers learned about First Aid, water safety, and building shelters outdoors. They also got to build boats to try to cross the pool with. Most days, her 10 campers, spent outside exploring, learning, building and having fun.
Ooey Gooey Cooking Camp, Hannah worked with Mad Scientist, Chef John Boeder. They tempered chocolate, made gummy candies, cakes and more. They learned about knives and carving fruit as well as comparing different cookie recipes. Hannah & John and their 6 mini chef as a wonderful time creating, learning and of course, eating.
Our partnership with the Edgeton Explorit Center is one we deeply value. Not only do we facilitate a few camps, but they use our property for other camp outings and for the afterschool program from time to time. We also have the privilege to make the cakes for most of their birthday parties.