Whether you're looking to book an event or attend one, you'll find much of what you need to know right here.
On all The Leadership Center hosted events like House Concerts, D4LC Camps or Conferences, etc., you'll find event information, registration, and more.
If you are interested in booking an event here, you can see if we have your dates open. Please note, if there are events booked on a desired day, we list which rooms are being used. Please DO NOT HESISTATE to call us and ask. We are pretty good at what we do! We'd be happy to talk with you and see what we can do!
We can be reached at 402-694-3934. Thank you!
National Shakespeare Day

To be or not to be... that is the question on National Shakespeare Day! It's time to brush up your Shakespeare and to
celebrate the bard of Avon in style. So, don your doublet and hose, grab a quill (or a pen will do), and get ready to party like it's 1599--with mad libs and other delightful activities in the coffee shop! It's sure to be a "midsummer night's dream" of a celebration in Espressions: Coffee & Community.