Farmer's Market in Aurora
Order NOW
If you want to place your order for your fresh baked goodies now to ensure you get them, go right ahead. You can order & pay. Then you just show up to the market, give us your name, and pick up your goodies!
Thank you so much for chosing to order from The Leadership Center. When you do, you are helping to support the development of young leaders in this community and this great state! Thank you.
Farmer's Market Season is here!
The first is Aurora's Market on the Square from 8-11 a.m.
We will have fresh baked goodies galore! This includes breads, kolaches, cinnamon rolls, caramel pecan rolls, danishes, cookies, coffee cake. Depending on how the garden is doing, we'll maybe have some radishes and lettuce too! Oh, and we'll have your morning coffee too.
You can come see what we have or order in advance and pick it up at your market of choice!
See you at the market!